You’ve become an Eagle Scout
You’ve reached the pinnacle of your Scouting life, and we want to recognize your hard work not just as a Scout, but as a Jewish Scout. Very few Jewish Scouts achieve the Eagle rank. Therefore, the National Jewish Committee on Scouting offers letters of congratulations and a certificate to Jewish Eagle Scouts to acknowledge all of your hard work.
Eagle Scout Recognition
The National Jewish Committee on Scouting asks that requests be made first and foremost by utilizing the Eagle Scout Recognition link listed below as a fillable-field PDF document.
Download the Eagle Scout Recognition form as a fillable field PDF
Northeast Region Eagle Scout Recognition
In addition to the recognition offered by the NJCOS, the Northeast Region Jewish Committee on Scouting (NERJCOS) also offers Eagle Scout certificates.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor
NJCOS is pleased to offer Eagle Scout Courts of Honor for a Jewish Scout achieving the coveted rank of Eagle Scout. These invocations and benediction are appropriate for all such Eagle Scout Courts of Honor and bear the approval of the NJCOS.
Invocation for Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Invocation and Benediction for Eagle Scout Court of Honor