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Northeast Region

Region Chairman, Barry Hantman

2025 NERJCOS Conference

Join us for the 37th annual conference on March 30th 2025

Northeast RegionThe Northeast Region encompasses Washington, D.C., Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.

The region’s programs start with our religious emblems – Aryeh, Maccabee, Aleph, Ner Tamid and Etz Chaim. The region sponsors services at Scouting events, encourages attendance at summer camp, and also promotes Scout Shabbats. They also hold an annual Kinnus or Conclave, Lag B’Omer programs, and dreidel spins.

The region delivers quality year-long programming and sponsors Jamboree programming as well as recognizes Eagle Scouts. The mission of the regions is to encourage charter partnering of  units through synagogues, temples and other Jewish institutions. They also offer scholarships for deserving Eagle Scouts.

The Northeast Region also recognizes deserving individuals for their work with Jewish Committees on Scouting through nominations for their Chai Awards (Bronze, Gold and Silver levels). Click here to download the nomination form.


For further information or to find a unit, contact regional chair Barry Hantman via the form below.


    Upcoming Activities

    Click for Regional Calendar

    Latest Announcements

    NERJCOS Newsletters

    Here are the most recent Northeast Region (NERJCOS) Newsletters:

    October 2024

    July 2024

    May 2024

    Upcoming Jewish Committee Training Events

    September 15, 2024Rebuilding Jewish Cub Packs Devastated by COVID and Establishing New Jewish units  This training session will discuss potential methods for revitalizing and rebuilding Jewish Cub Scout units. The number of Jewish Cub Scout Packs has declined over the past few years and this session will provide recommendations and ideas for renewing Jewish Cub Scouting in our Councils.

    November 10, 2024: 2025 High Adventure Programs  This training session will discuss the National Jewish Committee on Scouting plans for High Adventure activities (e.g., Philmont, Sea Base, Northern Tier) in 2025.  The seminar will also provide a first look at plans for Jewish Scouting at the next National and World Jamborees.

    March, 2025: Scouting in Israel: Tzofim, BSI, IFJS, Israeli Caravan –  This session will provide an overview of the Hebrew Scouts Movement in Israel (Tnuat HaTzofim HaIvriyim BeYisrael, known as Tzofim) including the Tzofim Israeli Caravan that visits the United States, the Boy Scouts of Israel (BSI), and the International Federation of Jewish Scouts (IFJS).

    June, 2025: Building a Strong local JCOS – This training session will focused on the lessons learned in building a robust and active council Jewish Committee. This will help existing committees become high-performing committees better able to serve the needs of the Jewish Community.

    Sept., 2025  Roundtable Discussion of issues & Problems – This training session will be Panel Discussion designed to answer questions from local committees, unit leaders, and other members of the Jewish Scouting Community. This is your chance to ask questions and get answers and advise.

    Nov., 2025High Adventure Programs for Jewish Youth in 2026This training session will discuss the National Jewish Committee on Scouting plans for High Adventure activities (e.g., Philmont, Sea Base, Northern Tier) in 2026.  The seminar will also provide a detailed look at plans for Jewish Scouting at the 2026 National Jamboree and 2027 World Jamborees.

    All sessions are at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, 7:00 p.m., Central Time, 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time


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