The Western Region encompasses Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawai\’i. currently has units established in the Southern California, Denver, and Tucson areas.
We encourage all registered Scouts to work on and earn their Jewish religious emblems for Cub Scouts or for Scouts BSA, Venturers or Explorers. The religious emblems program is interesting and will give the Scouts a sense of accomplishment as they learn about themselves, their community, and our faith.
Please contact Western Region Chairman Rich Lieber using the form below if you have an inquiry regarding Jewish Scouting in your area, or if you would like to help to form units if none exist in your council. Forming a Jewish Venturing Crew is a great way to keep post-Bar and Bat Mitzvah young adults (ages 14 to 20) involved with your synagogue while continuing to have fun together engaged in high adventure activities.
Western Region Events
Meet Gabbi S., the first Orthodox Jewish girl to earn the rank of Eagle Scout
By LOUIS KEENE (Courtesy of The Forward) – Not long after the Boy Scouts of America started letting girls in, Gabbi S. felt her parents nudging her to join. Their sales pitch was hardly original: Their daughter was a junior in high school. It would look good on her college applications. “At first I was […]