This item is restricted. You need prior approval from the NJCOS Awards Committee to order this award. If you did not received the link to this page from the Awards Committee, your order will be cancelled. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility to order this award, please email
Shofar Award. The National Jewish Committee on Scouting established the Shofar Award to recognize outstanding service by adults in the promotion of Scouting among Jewish youth. Self and spousal nominations will not be accepted.
Shofar Award
Shofar Award.
This item is restricted. You need prior approval from the NJCOS Awards Committee to order this award. If you did not received the link to this page from the Awards Committee, your order will be cancelled. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility to order this award, please email
Shofar Award. The National Jewish Committee on Scouting established the Shofar Award to recognize outstanding service by adults in the promotion of Scouting among Jewish youth. Self and spousal nominations will not be accepted.